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Mobility Aids

So mobility aids are meant to be used and sometimes their use can vary based on the moment in your journey. and what goals you have. The artist due to her FND had to use a wheelchair about 80-90% of the time and is now down to probably 40% of the time and uses walkers now if needed but tries to walk on her own if she can. It greatly depends on things like how her legs are working that day, what she did the day before, what the plans are for that day, and the length of walking and available seating if she needs it, etc.

There is no shame in using what you need on that given day or not using what was needed the day before because you don't need it today and have fewer mobility needs (due to circumstances).

For example, the artist would need her wheelchair to go to Walmart but no longer needs it to get around her house! Another one would be she can now make a quick trip in and out of Aldi for a few things with a rollator but doesn't need it to make it from the kitchen to the living room. Hope that helps explain some things!

If you have to use multiple mobility aids for different circumstances put some of your examples in the comments.

If you have questions feel free to ask!

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